Monthly Gifts

For a complete list of all monthly donations made to your Charity through CanadaHelps, simply navigate to the Donation Reports tab and select Monthly gifts:

Here, you can view all monthly gifts to your charity whether they’re active, paused or expired. You can also filter for monthly donations within a chosen time frame. And for convenient analysis and reporting, export the data directly as a CSV file.

Modifying a Donor’s Monthly Gift

To modify a donor’s scheduled monthly gift, log in to your charity admin account and select ‘Donation Reports.’ From here, select the ‘Monthly Gifts’ tab.

The Active tab displays all monthly donations that are ongoing. The Paused tab displays all monthly donations that have been paused by the donor. The Expired tab displays all monthly donations that have been cancelled or have reached their end date.

Please note that anonymous donations cannot be edited.

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To modify a specific monthly gift, click on any one of the gift details across the row (excluding email address).

Otherwise, use the bar at the bottom of your screen to navigate to the right-most column of the table. Once there, select the pencil icon under Actions.

Please note, only the following information can be updated:

  • Status of the monthly gift (Pause/Resume/Cancel)
  • The Fund originally selected by the donor
  • The donor’s message to your charity
  • The day of the month that the gift is processed
  • The End Date for the monthly gift
  • The reminder frequency (for a Paused Gift)

The donor will receive an email notifying them of any changes made to their monthly gift. Check out the sections below for more details on making each of the modifications above.

Changing the Amount of a Donor’s Monthly Gift

When a donor sets up a monthly donation through CanadaHelps, we’ll automatically create a Donor Account for them. This Donor Account allows donors to easily make changes to their monthly gift anytime.

However, only donors can modify monthly donation amounts within their Donor Account:

So, if a donor requests to change their monthly donation amount, simply provide them with the steps below:

1. Go to:

2. Log in using your email address and password

3. Click on the “Monthly Donations” tab

4. Click on the “Manage” button next to the monthly donation you wish to modify

5. Update the amount and click on the “Save Changes” button at the bottom of the screen.

If they do not remember their account password, they can reset it here.

Updating a Donor’s Payment Method for their Monthly Gift

Like a monthly gift’s amount, only donors can modify the payment method for their monthly gift within their Donor Account.

So, if a donor requests to change this payment method, simply provide them with the steps below:

1. Go to:

2. Log in using your email address and password (or reset your password if needed)

3. Once logged in, click on the “Monthly Donations” tab

4. Click on the “Manage” button next to the monthly donation you wish to modify

5. Update the payment method and click on the “Save Changes” button at the bottom of the screen.

Pausing or Resuming a Donor’s Monthly Gift

To pause or resume a donor’s scheduled monthly gift, log in to your charity admin account and select ‘Donation Reports.’ From here, select the ‘Monthly Gifts’ tab.

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To pause a monthly donation, search for the monthly gift you wish to pause within the ‘Active’ Tab and click on any one of the gift details across the row (excluding email address), or select the pencil icon to the very right of the gift details.

On the edit page, click on the ‘Pause monthly donation’ button. This will immediately pause the gift and a yellow information banner will confirm that the gift is paused.

You can also set a reminder frequency for the paused monthly gift to send a gentle reminder to the donor.

To resume a paused monthly gift, navigate to the ‘Paused’ Tab and select the monthly gift you wish to resume.

On the edit page, click on ‘Resume monthly donation’. This will immediately resume the monthly gift and a confirmation message will appear.

The donor will also receive an email notifying them of the reactivation of their monthly gift.

Cancelling a Donor’s Monthly Gift

To cancel a donor’s scheduled monthly gift, log in to your charity admin account and select ‘Donation Reports.’ From here, select the ‘Monthly Gifts’ tab.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Monthly-Gifts-Tab-1024x383.jpg

Find the monthly gift in the ‘Active’ Tab or ‘Paused’ Tab, depending on the current status of the gift, and select the gift details to be brought to the edit section.

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Please note: a cancelled monthly gift cannot be reactivated or edited.

On the edit page, click on ‘Cancel monthly donation’. A yellow banner will appear to confirm that the monthly donation was cancelled successfully. The donor will also receive an email notifying them of the cancellation of their monthly gift.

Once cancelled, the gift will appear under the ‘Expired’ tab.


Updating the Fund for a Donor’s Monthly Gift

To update the Fund associated with a donor’s scheduled monthly gift, log in to your charity admin account and select ‘Donation Reports.’ From here, select the ‘Monthly Gifts’ tab.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Monthly-Gifts-Tab-1024x383.jpg

Find the monthly gift in the ‘Active’ Tab or ‘Paused’ Tab, depending on the current status of the gift, and select the gift details to be brought to the edit section.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is click-name-1024x457.png

On the edit page, under ‘Donation Settings’, select a new Fund from the dropdown list. Make sure to select ‘Save Changes’ at the bottom of your screen.

All future donations made will now be associated with the updated Fund. The donor will also receive an email notifying them of the changes to their monthly gift. 

Updating the Message Submitted with a Donor’s Monthly Gift

To update the Message to Charity submitted by the donor with their scheduled monthly gift, log in to your charity admin account and select ‘Donation Reports.’ From here, select the ‘Monthly Gifts’ tab.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Monthly-Gifts-Tab-1024x383.jpg

Find the monthly gift in the ‘Active’ Tab or ‘Paused’ Tab, depending on the current status of the gift, and select the gift details to be brought to the edit section.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is click-name-1024x457.png

On the edit page, under ‘Donation Settings’, update the donor’s message in the ‘Message to Charity’ box. Make sure to select ‘Save Changes’ at the bottom of your screen.

The donor will also receive an email notifying them of the changes made to their monthly gift.

Updating the Processing or Recurring Day of a Donor’s Monthly Gift

To update the processing day or recurring day of a donor’s scheduled monthly gift, log in to your charity admin account and select ‘Donation Reports.’ From here, select the ‘Monthly Gifts’ tab.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Monthly-Gifts-Tab-1024x383.jpg

Find the monthly gift in the ‘Active’ Tab or ‘Paused’ Tab, depending on the current status of the gift, and select the gift details to be brought to the edit section.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is click-name-1024x457.png

If updating the processing day for a paused monthly gift, please resume it first (see the section ‘Pausing or resuming a donor’s scheduled monthly gift’ above).

Scroll down to the ‘Scheduling Options’ section and select a new processing day using the arrow keys. Make sure to select ‘Save Changes’ at the bottom of your screen.

The donor will receive an email notifying them of the change to their monthly gift.

Processing Day Considerations

  • Monthly donations that are set to process on the 29th, 30th, or 31st of a month will be processed on the last day of the month for months that do not have those dates.
  • If a new processing day is set to a day later in the month after a gift has already been processed that month, that monthly gift will not be charged twice in the same month. Instead, the next monthly gift will be processed on the new processing day of the following month.
  • You cannot select a processing day that extends beyond the day of the End Date (if there is one set). To proceed, the end date must be updated to match the processing day.

Setting an End Date for a Donor’s Monthly Gift

To set/update the End Date of a donor’s scheduled monthly gift, log in to your charity admin account and select ‘Donation Reports.’ From here, select the ‘Monthly Gifts’ tab.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Monthly-Gifts-Tab-1024x383.jpg

Find the monthly gift in the ‘Active’ Tab or ‘Paused’ Tab, depending on the current status of the gift, and select the gift details to be brought to the edit section.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is click-name-1024x457.png

If the monthly gift has no End Date, scroll down to ‘Scheduling Options’ and select the checkbox ‘Set up an end date for this donation.’

Then, click the calendar icon to select a specific End Date for the monthly gift.

As a reminder, you may only select an End Date that is at least 30 days beyond the most recent transaction. Make sure to select ‘Save Changes’ at the bottom of your screen.

The donor will receive an email notifying them of the changes to their gift’s End Date. 

Why has a donor’s scheduled gift expired?

You can find the reason for a monthly gift’s expiration by visiting the ‘Expired’ tab and searching under the table header ‘Reason.’

A scheduled gift may have expired due to:

  • Your charity cancelling the monthly gift
  • The donor cancelling the monthly gift
  • The End Date set by the donor for the monthly gift has been reached
  • The monthly gift has become invalid due to continued, unsuccessfully processed payments

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