Discovery Settings Tab

Use this section to help more donors find your charity when searching on CanadaHelps.

1. If you’re already in the edit section of your profile, click on the Discovery Settings tab.

Or, from your main sign-in page, click on Profile and then on Discovery Settings:

2. Fill out as many details of this section as you can to increase the number of searches your charity will appear in.

  • Your Emotive Image displays as a thumbnail when your profile shows up in search results.
  • Keywords used in your Short Intro Text become searchable terms for your charity. This short intro text also displays below the emotive image on your profile thumbnail  –

3. Select the appropriate categories for your charity and geographical scope of your work, donors can filter their search results by either of these metrics.

TIP: The more information you add here, the higher your chances of being discovered by new donors on!

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