Participant Pages Tab

1. Enabling Participant Defaults allows you to provide individual participants with a pre-set fundraising goal, main page image, and page description.

NOTE: Participants will always be able to override your default goal, image and text after sign-up (through their donor account).



If you select “Automatically Sign-Up & Create Participant Pages,” participants will not be given the option to view/override your default goal, image and text during signup (but will be able to edit their page afterwards through their donor account).




2. Enabling Team Defaults allows you to provide Team Captains with a pre-set team fundraising goal, main page image, and page description.

NOTE: Team Captains will always be able to override your default goal, image and text after sign-up (through their donor account).



If you select “Automatically Sign-Up & Create Team Captain Pages,” team captains will not be given the option to view/override your default goal, image and text during signup (but will be able to edit their team page afterwards through their donor account)




3. Upload support files to arm your fundraisers with the tools they need to succeed. E.g.,provide Team Captains with examples of emails and social media posts to use when recruiting team members or for keeping team members engaged. 

TIP: Need sample fundraising tips to share with your fundraisers? Click here for ideas

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